Category Archives: trust

Marketing Education!

Based on Jason O’Connor’s article, a couple of Translator Power posts (Network or die and Use online business networking) and the links that follow, I invite you to spend the weekend getting a full-blown education on internet marketing (or maybe … Continue reading

Posted in Amsall, DOSHDOSH, Forbes, Insider Guide to the Strategic Marketing of Translation, Jason O'Connor, LinkedIn, marketing, Marketing blog, marketing your translation services, networking, online business networking, online social networking, Seth Godin, Social Media, social networking, social networks, Tamar Weinberger, Techipedia, Translation service marketing, translation services marketing, translator, Translator Power, trust, trusted advisor | Leave a comment

Target Marketing Your Translation Services

Let’s look at 2 ways you can use Direct Mail to target your marketing: Geographic Target Marketing and Customer Target Marketing. These 2 techniques, also known as Testimonial Marketing (Dan Kennedy) can be extremely effective in getting you clients very … Continue reading

Posted in credibility, customer target marketing, geographic target marketing, insider guide, marketing translation services, target marketing, testimonial marketing, trust | 1 Comment